Thursday, April 07, 2011

Earth Now...

I am honored to be included in this exhibition...

Petroleum, 2008 will be on view in Earth Now: American Photographers and the Enviroment

The New Mexico Museum of Art presents,
Earth Now: American Photographers and the Environment

Earth Now: American Landscape Photographers and the Environment offers both a survey and a contemporary view of how artists working in photography have addressed our relationship to the environment, one of the greatest challenges facing us since at least the mid-twentieth century. Using beauty, humor, and horror to engage attention, these photographers provoke questions about the legacy of industry, construction, consumption, and waste disposal while pointing toward new directions such as local farming, new energy source technologies, green roofs, and a renewed connection with the landscapes we inhabit.
Earth Now opens at the New Mexico Museum of Art on April 8, 2011 and will be on view through August 28, 2011. The exhibition opens with suites of images by landscape photographers Ansel Adams and Eliot Porter. As successful artists they also participated in the use of their photographs to promote the establishment and preservation of some of the country’s wilderness areas.

Artists included in the gallery exhibition

Ansel Adams, Robert Adams, Subhankar Banerjee, Bremner Benedict, Michael P. Berman, Joann Brennan, Suzette Bross, Sarah Charlesworth, Christine Chin, Dornith Doherty, Chris Enos, Terry Evans, Daniel Handal, Robert Glenn Ketchum, Mark Klett, Beth Lilly, Greg Mac Gregor, Victor Masayesva Jr., Brad Moore, Matthew Moore, Richard Misrach, David Maisel, Patrick Nagatani, Bill Owens, Eliot Porter, Brook Reynolds, Laurel Schultz, Christina Seely, Sharon Stewart, Carlan Tapp, Brad Temkin, Robert Toedter, Sonja Thomsen, Phil Underdown

The Museum of New Mexico Press published a companion book to the exhibition. Read a review of the book on the photo-eye blog

panel detail from petroleum, 2008   sonja thomsen

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