Thursday, April 15, 2010

my show picked by art critic Mary Louise Schumacher

My recommendation for this Gallery Night & Day was not a difficult choice, despite the number of promising shows scheduled for the quarterly art crawl, when galleries and museums throughout the city stay open late and hold special receptions.
Tonight (Friday April 16) marks the opening of the first solo exhibition for Sonja Thomsen, a Milwaukee photographer whose work I have followed with great interest for several years. The show opens at the Dean Jensen Gallery, 759 N. Water St. with an artist’s reception from 6 to 9 p.m.
What is exceptional about Thomsen’s work is that the quiet sensitivity of her mind and the subtlety of her thinking actually translate into her art. This is a trait that is more rare than one might imagine....
Read the whole thing here...


eddee said...

Congratulations! I plan to stop in. Hope I see you there.

Michael McGraw - said...

The show sounds very interesting. I wish I lived in the area. Congratulations! - Mike