Thursday, April 01, 2010

just finished...

a week (session 4) at fotofest.
What a whirl wind...

on to the next event...  

VESTIGE - Works by Justine Reyes and Sonja Thomsen

Friday April 9th 7-11p
58 Gallery
58 coles st jersey city nj. 07302

Justine Reyes:
These Last Things consists of large-scale color photographs of the interior of four drawers. I took these drawers out of my uncle's dresser after he passed away.  The title refers to the Novissima or the Four Last Things that every man must face; Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell. I chose this title not only because my uncle was Catholic and very religious but also because it refers to the things we leave behind when we die. These drawers are the last physical trace or vestige of my uncle, left untouched in his memory.

Sonja Thomsen:
As the word lacuna references both intellectual and physical gaps, the temporal installation titled lacuna is a metaphor for memory and aging.  70 small images hang on the wall, some in stacks of reproductions waiting to be peeled away.  Throughout the duration of the installation the images are removed, fade and reveal an impression in plexi of the image that was once there. Place and person become symbol and impression in the work creating an emotive narrative suspended in the gap between; a man straddling dementia, a boy in his teenage prime, hands cradling the last harvest of raspberries.

DIRECTIONS: 58 Gallery is easily accessible from NYC by PATH train. Enter the PATH station on 6th Ave. at 33rd, 23rd, 14th, 9th, Christopher St., or World Trade in Manhattan and exit at Grove St. in Jersey City. Take a short walk up Newark Ave., make a right onto Coles St. The gallery is between 3rd and 4th. 58 Coles Street.

For more info, visit:

1 comment:

Abdulnaby said...

Enjoyed meeting you and discussing photography. Five Guys also was a good look by Andy and Justinian.